Sunday, May 17, 2009

Surprising Myself

Yesterday felt good, real good. Truth be told it took me by surprise. It was my first time running a consecutive 13.1 miles. I trained, prepared, slept, and ate as well as I could to ensure the morning would go as trouble free as it could. But I really wasn't expecting to finish this beast in 1:47:11.  

Now I know what to beat for next time.... and there will be a next time. 


Shawn Connelly said...

My apologizes for not elaborating more, not particularly insightful or motivated to write today.....I think I'm still destroyed from yesterday

Michelle said...

What the hek, why is blogspot so difficult? It must be my stupidity. Probably. This is Michelle. I think I'm following you. Think.

Elizabeth said...

Well done!

Sarah said...

Congrats on the half marathon Shawn and good luck in NY!!

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