Friday, January 9, 2009

In with the New, but Keeping the Old

As I sit on the fifth floor of UWSP's Learning Resource Center watching a kid get yanked around on a blaze orange sled, I think to myself, "I cannot wait for him to get whip-lashed off that bright piece of plastic...and why don't they just call this building a library." 

I believe UWSP goes for the three word building titles: Health Enhancement Center, Learning Resource Center, Dreyfus University Center, Debot Dinning Center etc. This way students can refer to them in acronyms, because life is too fast paced for anything but.  Acronyms help people streamline things, keep things in order. 

Over the past few months, this blog has helped me keep my life in order. I'm extremely pleased to go back and read things that happened just months ago that had I not written down, would have been lost to the black holes of my memory. 
I also just so happen to be at a crossroads of where I'm going in life. While I don't like to dwell on the past, we can learn from it. So I take time now and again to go back, see where I've been in hopes that it will help me determine where to go. 

Since I am going, somewhere yet unknown, that means change. Change that I am exited for. Along with a change in life come a change in my blog's format.

Basically this was just a long explanation of why I changed my blog's template....

1 comment:

Ric said...

Hahaha. I couldn't agree more on the acronyms. Students in general need ways to simplify their life -- what better way than memorizing a bunch of otherwise arbitrary letters.

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