Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Where has All the Summer Gone?

Like when I was 4 and I asked my mom where my pet goldfish went and she said, "to the hospital in the toilet." I don't think summer went to the hospital, but at times I feel like it may have gone down the toilet. It isn't until I really stop to think about how I filled my days and hours that I realize, I've done a wide array of activities this summer.

Besides the 8 pounds of a new family member that entered life last Thursday (see previous entry), here's what summer has entailed for me by laundry list:
  • The Bellin Run - always a great way to start summer, finished a minute slower than in 2007...too much drinking and not enough running this past year
  • Shuffleboard at Elbow - this is symbolic of all the random nights of socializing at local Stevens Point establishments
  • Receiving the MacBook - life changing...period
  • Bakken Wedding - the day of the wedding while the lady folk got ready, the guys took a limo bus from Appleton to Gbs to visit the Packer Hall of Fame, and I learned to play uke for the wedding
  • Brilliant Home Cooking - when I was able to get some time with roommate Jenny, we made delectable dishes
  • Fourth of July - celebrating freedom in all sorts of ways (video to come)
  • 90fm Display Case - if ever in the Comm. Building on the UWSP campus, check out the amazing display case designed and created by yours truly
  • Moving Out - always tugs at the heart strings, but this move out was fun as well
  • Burning Stuff - no better way to put away the past than by burning crappy hats
  • Goodbye with Good Friends - the best ones have fun and can dish out good advice
  • Camp Twin Lakes - one month of summer camp as opposed to 3 like most summers, however that one month rivals many summers for the best I've ever had
Schnikies, there was a lot, and that's just the stuff I have pictures for and can remember. NOW, I leave for Europe in less than 24 hours.

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