Monday, November 3, 2008

''You're Such an American''


A cold spell snapped into London today, at least to Londoners it was cold. For us Wisconsinites, it was a late-summer day. Something like 45-50 degrees farenhiet. So I wore a hoodie to work since it was all that was necessary. When I was walking out of the office at the end of the day, I saw the CEO of Bang Entertainment (corporation that LifeFM falls under), Jennifer.

She shockingly said to me, ''Shawn where's your coat?!?!''

''I'm from Wisconsin Jennifer. This is a summer afternoon where I'm from,'' I replied.

She gave a shiver and said, ''Oh you're such an American.''

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just stopped at your fbk to ask how life in London was and found you have a blog?! Sweet!

"Where's your coat?" lol. We just got our first snowfall (that stayed) last night in Milwaukee. It had me wondering about the London weather. It always cracked me up that they get just a few centimeters and the whole city freaks.

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