Monday, November 3, 2008

The Church


Today I went to church like the good catholic school boy I was raised to be. This church was a little different than good ol' St. Agnes or St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton in Green Bay.

This church had mass amounts of beer instead of wine, a stripper instead of a gospel reading, the homily was given by a raunchy comedian, the hymnals were sing-a-long party hits, and instead of a Eucharistic celebration we celebrated binge drinking in the form of competitions.

Everything sinful under one roof.

A mostly college-aged crowd, all taking advantage of what would otherwise be a mundane Sunday afternoon. Kallie, Luke, and I had such a good time that we'll definitely be sinning again at Church in the near future.

WARNING: video contains inappropriate language content.

We took a pretty drunken bus ride to Kings Cross / St. Pancras where Kallie simply had to visit Platform 9 & 3/4. While we were there, we had to see if it would actually lead to Hogwarts. The results were less than impressive:

All that church'n and running into walls got us all pretty hungry so we stopped off at O'Neils where I discovered the best ketchup known to man. Basically, it has a bite of hot pepper in it which made my bar burger the most delicious burger I've had since I've been in Europe.

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