Monday, October 27, 2008

A Full Friday

This random Friday became rather eventful rather unexpectedly. Kris and I took a journey south of Hyde park to see the sights there. The first sight to see was the Marble Arch right outside speaker's corner.

Our ultimate destination today was the Saatchi Art gallery. It's an art gallery completely dedicated to contemporary Chinese artists.

Zhang Xiaotao

Feng Zhengjie: Chinese Portrait P Series 2006 No. 1

Sun Yuan and Peng Yu: Love it! Bite it: (and entire city made from dog chews)

Sun Yuan and Peng Yu: Angel

Bai Yiluo : Civilization

Since we were just a few blocks away, we decided to edumacate ourselves by going to the Science Museum just outside the Imperial College of London.

We saw the worlds first computers, planes, jet engines, an exhibit on plastic (most exciting), model ships, and a whole array of things you'd expect to find in a science museum. Excluding, however, the one thing I did expect to find, on of those pipes you hover your hand over to make your hair stand up. I mean, come on, how do you miss that?

The coolest section was the interactive children's section. The only downfall, all the damn kids. Although they didn't have the electric hair stand-up thingy, everything else made up for it's absence. This computer monitor to the right was one of my favs as it taught children about sound waves and audio. Basically what I do every day.

We took a bus home, I grabbed a panini from ISH, and hopped the tube over to Brick Lane where I met up with Chad, Mike, and Luke for an Alaska in Winter concert.

Before even arriving, we got a concert of our own on Brick Lane as we drank our cheap beer from the shop. This guy wheeled his kit around London and played wherever he wouldn't get kicked out of, and believe me, he knew what he was doing. Check him out.

The concert was...I don't want to say a dissapointment because I love his music, but it wasn't what I expected. I expected a full group with strings, piano, trumpet, vocalists
and someone dropping beats, however it was just one guy with video of himself behind him playing all the instruments, all in sync of course. It was an experience.
But all around a solid Friday.

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